Choral Scholarships 2025
Applications are now open
Overview of the role
OBS hosts a series of concerts every year, including the annual Passion on Good Friday and Christmas Oratorio in the New Year. Most concerts are performed monthly in Oxford. Additional projects may feature during the year.
Choral Scholars are expected to sing across the year from February to January inclusive. They make up the core of the chorus and help to maintain its musical stability. The chorus consists of highly skilled singers from all walks of life, and for the larger concerts include professional Concertists (soloists) who step out from the chorus. Choral Scholars are expected to understudy the Concertists and to meet the challenges of (often last-minute) step-out opportunities. On occasion, planned solo opportunities will be allocated in advance.
Choral Scholars are expected to use performance opportunities to further their professional development in consultation with their singing teachers. German language coaching will be provided as part of their training.
The Choral Scholarships for 2025 have been generously funded by several trusts, foundations, and individual donors, details of which can be found on the OBS website.
Responsibilities / duties
- Sing for concerts, recordings, tours, and other projects across the year (February to January inclusive).
- Prepare for and attend regular rehearsals, and any additional rehearsals by arrangement with the General Manager.
- Contribute to a short blog/newsletter keeping funders updated with progress and experiences.
- Attend occasional Friends’ social events to interface with donors and supporters.
- Any other tasks as reasonably requested by the General Manager.
Typical Timetable
OBS’ core programme consists of an average of one concert per month. Concerts are preceded by individual language and music coaching, recit, and aria rehearsals (with Choral Scholars observing), as well as tutti company rehearsals.
Confirmed rehearsal times are released one month in advance. A typical concert schedule could consist of a patch of two or three consecutive days of rehearsals leading up to the concert day.
More information can be found here: OBS Choral Scholarship 2025
